Base Endymion


Base Endymion


Magos péndulos muy bonitos 

Nombre de cartaEdicionrarezacantidad
Endymion, the mighty master of magic sr08-en001ultra1
servant of endymionsr08-en004common1
reflection of endymionsr08-en002super3
bestia mistica chacalexfo-sp022rare 1
mystical beast jackal kinginch-en048super3
spellbook magician of prophecybllr-en050ultra1
spellbook magician of prophecysr08-en018common1
crowley, the first propheseerdupo-en028ultra1
secret village of the spellcastsdch-en022common1
ciudadela magica de endimionop07-sp008super1
magical citadel of endymionsr08-en024common1

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